Here’s How To Find Your Writing Purpose In The Modern Times
You shouldn’t miss № 10. It’s all about you.
Since I started blogging about writing eight years ago, I have received countless emails and private messages from writers asking me for tips on writing great articles and how I managed to write influential articles they have read.
Honestly, I don’t know how to answer them.
Writing isn’t a linear process. There is no definite beginning and end when you are just getting started. It is a skill in which there’s no definite lesson plan. You can’t teach writing like math. Of course, there are equations needed for structure purposes, but writing, in general, isn’t teachable in the same way as we learn A, B, C, or arithmetic.
It is personal. Learning to write and become better at it involves being alone in your thoughts, books, and blank pages. Your life is writing, and writing is your life. You can’t be a writer if you don’t write. That’s your job.
There’s No Rule Book When Writing Your Story.
You can read as many articles on the internet. One thing is certain: No exact how-tos and listicles could prove that this or that kind of writing works.
You can follow standard rules like grammar and style to find your writing voice and demonstrate effective writing. But your writing voice is unique because this is you. This is how you talk to people. This is how you want to convey your message, your story.
Even if you create plans and SMART goals every year, it doesn’t make sense when something unexpected comes your way. Writing is fluid and unpredictable, like alchemy or magic. As a writer, you are an alchemist and magician in your own right. You turn nothing into something magical and entertaining; you create blockbusters and bestsellers from the mundane and dread. If that isn’t alchemy or magic, tell me, what is it?
I have been writing since I was 12 and became a professional writer at 22 and an author at 29. Despite the number of years I have spent in the industry, I am still striving to grow and improve my writing style. My years of experience aren’t an excuse for complacency. That is why I have been practicing my craft for 10 years, and that’s how it has always been until I could no longer write.
Despite the odds, here’s how to find your writing purpose in modern times, wherein you can digitalize your writing routines and reach as many people as possible by sharing your work on the internet.
10 Tips To Find Your Writing Purpose In The Modern Times
- Use a Pomodoro technique when writing for long periods.
- Try to find a writing schedule that works for you.
- You don’t force yourself to write the same thing for a long time.
- Learn how to diversify your writing by exploring potential opportunities.
- Don’t get stuck with the idea of making money.
- Find ways to keep writing fun and enjoyable moments. You can’t dare to put yourself into boredom.
- When you start writing, it will always be crap.
- Think of the one person you’d like to tell your story with.
- Be authentic through expressive writing.
- Start writing your life story.
There’s Nothing With Changing Writing Interests.
Your writing interests will change. At the start, you are getting excited about trying to make money from your writing skills. When you satisfy clients with your work, it feels like a sort of validation that you have been looking for since your English teachers emotionally and psychologically assaulted you.
As time passes, you will start feeling the need to tell something, perhaps a message, from the heart. This little voice will continue to whisper the message until it becomes loud and undeniable over time. And when you reach that point, when you can no longer bear the screams of this “voice,” you realize how necessary writing is as you finally let go and tell the world about your life.
Face the Fear of Starting with a Blank Page.
If you find yourself staring at the blank page, feeling intimidated, the first thing you don’t want to do is step back in fear of reliving the painful memories you have from your English teachers.
They may have hurt you with their words and actions toward your work in the past. But this is your chance to prove that you can write and share your inspiring life with the world. Little did you know how long they have been waiting for you to tell your life’s story and move their hearts in a way only you can do.
Your Words Have Power.
Teach the people important lessons without the need to speak a word. Your words alone are powerful, and so are your life experiences. It’s time to inspire people without the need for guns and violence. We already have enough of that. We already have enough tears and bloodshed to cause suffering.
But if we have the chance to learn from those atrocities we have witnessed in our lifetime, it is through looking at ourselves truthfully, including the most painful memories we have as a child.
Instead of guns and bloodshed, we fight through our hands and tears. In the digital age, we don’t write on paper as much as we did in the last ten (10) years. So modern writers use their hands to type each word and tears as they relive their pains, struggles, and joyful memories.
Regardless, the impact remains the same. The ancient and modern ways of writing may appear different in construction, but the message and essence remain unchanged. It is up to the individual to embrace traditions and modern ways and integrate and synthesize these resources to create something new — a new approach to writing, a new storytelling technique, etc.
To tell you the truth, if you want to find your writing purpose in modern times, here’s my last piece of advice. You are here with a mission.
You are given the power to write because you are tasked to tell something, to reveal something lurking underneath the surface, waiting for you to write it down. You are not just a writer, my friend, but a Writer Warrior. It is up to you to use that gift to change the world or bring your untold stories to the grave. Whichever your decision, it is your decision. Your call.
Mecyll Gaspary, also known as M. Gaspary, is a visionary, highly talented writer whose works transcend the boundaries of genre and form.
She captivates readers from different parts of the world through her emotionally driven stories, capturing the mundane and transforming them into works of art to challenge brilliant minds and the status quo.
Whether it’s the raw emotion of drama or the relatable hero’s journey, her unique creative expression evokes undeniable character empathy, and her words inspire change.
Currently, she resides in her humble home in Germany. When not writing, she spends much time with nature to recharge and dream. Check out her latest updates on her official website and Goodreads. Follow her stories on Medium @mgaspary.
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