If You Want To Write A Book in 2023, Here’s An Important Advice From A Self-Published Author.
Do you want to write a book? Fine. That’s great. But here’s the truth.
Disclaimer: This post was originally published on my website. Click here to read the whole article and more stories like this.
“When we are in the midst of pursuing our calling, we must not only ask if this is something that we are good at, but if it is something good. We need more than excellence to satisfy the deepest longings of our souls. Which should raise the question: Is it, perhaps, possible to succeed at the wrong thing? It is, indeed.”
Jeff Goins, Author of “The Art of Work”
Do you want to write a book? Fine. That’s great.
But here’s the truth.
Learning different storytelling techniques and mastering writing principles by the book won’t make you a great writer.
Though you can excel and satisfy others with your skills and choices of words, it won’t be easy to produce great works if you cannot access the depths of yourself and hear your authentic writing voice.
Until then, new writers need to know how they should be prepared when writing fiction or nonfiction books. Be it a romance novel to an erotic memoir.
The more truth comes out of your work, the more your readers relate to your story.
If you want to write a book, be ready to write a lot.
Writing a full-text manuscript requires writers of all ages and backgrounds to be honest and fearless as they dive deep and jot or type in the stories even when they feel uncomfortable.
The more truth comes out of your work, the more your readers relate to your story. Using this simple yet, effective and powerful principle means it is possible to reach success as far and as high as bestselling authors you know locally and internationally.
Commit to producing the best work if you want to write a book.
I know it sounds too ambitious, but according to many self-published bestselling authors whose works made it to the New York Times list and many others, it is possible, though it’s not sustainable in the short term.
“You can make a lot of money from a book, but that is done by using a book as a marketing tool.”
Tucker Max, Author of “The Scribe Method”
The point is you and your attitude. Everyone can start writing about any sh*t they want, but not everyone can finish it. As you finish the first step, you can self-publish your book.
“Self-publishing usually lets you make more money, but it’s limited to your own sphere of influence. I would recommend going with a traditional publisher if you have a message the world needs to hear and it’s really not about the money.”
Jeff Goins
If you want to write a book, always acknowledge the two (2) sides of writing (even if you don’t want to).
Though you’re a beginner without previous education or training in this ambitious field, it doesn’t mean you cannot be successful.
- First, self-understanding plays a role in keeping your writing as authentic as possible.
- Second, your external awareness, especially on what’s beyond and beneath the obvious, helps you maintain a keen sense of observation towards yourself and others and records these moments unbiased for future self-introspection and evaluation.
Don’t entertain your sick and attention-seeking insecurities if you want to write a book.
If you don’t think you’re qualified enough or too busy to write and finish the whole goddamn thing, it only defines the clear distinctions between the unconscious and conscious parts of yourself.
As your eyes become mirrors that see the depths of people’s realities, you will soon realize the undiscovered self and see that look with such a determined gaze, regardless of whether the decision you are about to take was wrong.
You are at this point where you want to prove to others that you, too, can be significant in life and that you, too, can be “someone” in people’s eyes.
Your conscious and unconscious view of writing
Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for most writers. How you view your life as a writer is only the tip of the iceberg.
At this moment, while you’re here, I guess you’re only thinking about how to put yourself out there and the possible outcomes once you follow my advice.
You are at this point where you want to prove to others that you, too, can be significant in life and that you, too, can be “someone” in people’s eyes.
For instance, this post may discuss the steps to self-publish your book for your author brand using only free online writing tools.
However, you may need to learn about the real point behind teaching you about self-publishing and only appreciate my work, from the research and list of free writing tools to writing the drafts.
The Perceived Self: Your Conscious Self
What you don’t know is that you live and endure the painful daily routines with the perceived self (“your conscious self”), which is the polar opposite of the “undiscovered selves” — unwilling and insecure amid everyone’s concerns of ignorance.
You’re stuck at the newly found dark realities in your writing life in silence and deprived of even the simplest things.
You struggle to cope with the daily demands of your day job, family, and friends for a simplistic, silent, yet, bloody and ferocious writing lifestyle.
Nevertheless, you are the one who makes a choice. Writing and self-publishing your book can also be solutions to living a better life with a simple purpose to live by you have when your mind is giving up.
Or perhaps, you’ve already made a choice, thinking you have excellent writing skills and a great story to tell.
Regardless, it is time to share what you know about anything you’ve learned and experienced and celebrate your tough and unpopular choice. Isn’t writing what you love to do in the first place?
As soon as you begin writing the first chapter of your life story, it will not take long before you want to stop.
“Thanks for scaring me. Now, what?”
I suppose you’re sure about to want to write a book. In that case, you will experience a lot of unfamiliar situations, which may test your inner strength more often than you thought, and discover layers upon layers of your self, both the “conscious self” and the “undiscovered self,” which may make your feel the most vulnerable.
As soon as you begin writing the first chapter of your life story, it will not take long before you want to stop.
You will feel uneasy, which worsens as you move on from one word to the next until you finish the first paragraph. Then, you repeat the same process until you finish the second paragraph to the next one.
If you’re sure to write a book, here’s my final thought.
Self-publishing your book isn’t just about writing and finishing your first draft. It’s also about your willingness to commit to authentic writing while facing challenges with self-discipline and humility.
“Don’t be the person who misses out on opportunities in life because you take too long to accomplish your work tasks. Be the kind of person other people marvel at. Be the kind of person other people see and say, ‘I don’t know how they do it.’ Be the kind of person who takes action and does so immediately.”
Chandler Bolt, Founder of Self-Publishing School
So, are you ready to write a book? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.