Many people have been sharing their stories of how the pandemic caused so much negativity in every aspect of their lives, which is true. The aftermaths are undeniable, and it's been more than a year since the world stopped.
Many lost their jobs and all that. There are some who couldn't stand the difficulty that they chose to end their lives, thinking it was the best solution for them and for everyone. Literally, the world is in chaos while trying to fight against an invisible enemy.
Unlike most stories I've read, my experience was different. It forced me to step on the brakes.
Given the dire situation where in right now, we are restricted to follow specific protocols created by a small group of people. Can you imagine how they managed to control the lives of billions of human beings across this planet?
If we violate these laws, our lives are much more compromised. So, it's our nature to obey. Not because we want to, but because we don't have a choice.
Rather than feeling bad, I choose to be pro-active with the situation. Besides, we are human beings. We are supposed to act or do something to move forward to achieve what we want.
The problem is, we're too busy to such an extent that we don't have the time or we choose not to give it a time. We are living in a capitalist world. When we refuse to accept and do the work, we gain nothing tangible so others can see to prove ourselves we've done something.
Our minds are so wired with materialism that we failed to recognize our true nature as human, as spiritual living organism.
Before the pandemic, I didn't have a strong reason to give myself a break from everything I do. Because I have to do something to make money.
I didn't have time to think and evaluate and even knowing myself more. I was too pre-occupied to do the things that bring us temporary comfort without knowing how much damage they have caused in my life.
Why and how did I develop depression and an eating disorder? What caused them?
These questions are vital to my existence, but because the society, including my own parents, taught me to ignore them because they aren't important as earning a monthly salary.
And I know most of us see it that way, unfortunately.
We can't stand doing nothing for a day or two because we think we are lazying around instead of spending the same number of hours working to earn an income that can feed our family and gratify our needs and wants whatever they may be.
In general, the pandemic gave me a rare chance to recollect old memories, good and bad, and process them to finally help myself and move on from these emotional baggage that has already taken a toll on my well-being and my true self.
Over the years, I clung to wrong beliefs that I thought were mine. But then, I realized they weren't mine in the first place.
My conscious self was so convinced that their truth was mine unknowingly. My caregivers, who should have done things differently and positively, chose to do otherwise, forcing me to become someone I'm not for the sake of pleasing their egos.
But I couldn't blame them as much as I wanted to because they never have that experience from their own families in the first place.
At this point, I've had enough, and I want to break free from all of these lies and see and believe my truth and stand firm to it no matter what people say. None of these would have been possible if the pandemic never occurred.
That's for me.