(Credit: Photo source)

What’s in store for you in 2023?

Here’s what I’ve been preparing for you: free library access to my digital archives and more!

Mecyll Gaspary
10 min readDec 30, 2022


Disclaimer: This article was originally published on Substack, which contains affiliate links to support me as a content creator. Click here to view the post.

Happy holidays! Mecyll here. How are you?

I know it’s a bit late to greet you with a merry Christmas, but I am still on time to greet you in advance with a prosperous new year.

This year has been packed with a lot of memorable events for me. As a writer, I remember those times when I only thought and imagined reaching a big goal. A goal that I have been dreaming of since I was only fifteen years old.

Photo by Taylor Hugh on Unsplash

Over the years, I have tried many things, searching for the best ways to achieve them. Since 2014, I have offered various writing services to private individuals and companies in exchange for getting paid.

In 2018, I created my website as a platform for writers to learn through personal experiences and research I’ve done in the past. As a website owner, I have undergone more than a handful of crash courses, from mastering Search Engine Optimization (SEO), both off-page and on-page SEO, to crafting compelling content.

Despite having written dozens of books, stories, and articles for almost a decade in the digital content writing industry, I wasn’t prepared for what was to come.

The ultimate writer resources

To make it easier for aspiring writers like me, I decided to have a separate page outlining the gigantic list of writer resources I have used in my writing career. As a result, I have collected dozens of tools, apps, and other stuff that will help you find the best tools that will work for you.

My publications

In addition to these resources, I also created another page to showcase my published works. This page will remind me of everything I have written over the past eight years and be an inspiration for you as well.

That was all writing could offer me. That was what I thought it would be for me.

When my first self-publishing began

It wasn’t until this year that a massive part of me was tested. Despite having written dozens of books, stories, and articles for almost a decade in the digital content writing industry, I wasn’t prepared for what was to come. Here’s why.

In March 2022, I decided to unpublish my “supposedly first self-published” book on Amazon Kindle. This decision led to having my account banned, which was only lifted after they had received my appeal. The appeal contained reasons, hoping they would be convinced, which was, unfortunately, the case.

After they accepted my appeal and my KDP account was safe, I worked on my “dusty shelves” and revisited the unpublished works. This included my novels, which I have set aside for years to focus on making money and searching for clients.

Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash

When I was worn out from freelance writing, I turned my attention to writing that meant a lot. Even though I knew many people would unsubscribe or unfollow me, it felt more right than doing otherwise.

So, I went on, importing my old crap on Wattpad, and began my first few editing rounds, from Draft №1 to 5. At that time, I was alone doing everything as much as possible, though it was challenging as a self-publisher. In hindsight, I needed help, but how? I couldn’t afford to pay myself, let alone a freelancer, to work with me.

In May 2022, I received an unexpected email from one of my OG email subscribers, Kernisha, wanting to volunteer and help me with my self-publishing plan. So, she joined me and my sister, Hann, in forming a team.

Since then, we have been working hand-in-hand in producing the product and the subsequent book marketing materials. We collaborated until my first self-published novel was completed and released on October 31, 2022, a few weeks before my 30th birthday.

For the three of us, it was our first rewarding experience as a self-publishing team. It was my younger sister’s first professional digital work as an aspiring graphic designer, Kernisha’s first professional editorial and marketing experience, and my first tangible recognition as an author.

In my head, I told myself I had entered my thirties with a published novel under my belt. At least I didn’t let my fifteen-year-old self down. She only had to wait fifteen years for the adult me to achieve this petty, childish dream.

At least, I have achieved it despite the ongoing mental issues I have been facing daily. For instance, publishing my first gay romance novel, “The Rival,” took us around eight months. Within those eight months, I had to learn how to play tug-of-war with my anxiety, which could go from benign to chronic.

Learning mindfulness was key to keeping me on track, including written and non-written activities, such as journal entries to study experts’ advice.

When anxiety reached the ceiling, I remember walking in circles for around fifteen minutes to half an hour and pressing both palms on the table while kicking the floor within the same timeframe.

The worst was having a panic attack shortly before I unpublished my book on Amazon. Even though it wasn’t a hot day, I was sweating a lot, and my body was paralyzed and shuddering for an unknown time and was covered in a cold sweat.

Events like these weren’t even as bad as it was a few years ago when I usually blackout for a few minutes. During these panic episodes, my husband would have to grab me and help me calm down until I was stable. Years of self-improvement allowed me to reach this point where I could handle my anxiety better.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Learning mindfulness was key to keeping me on track, including written and non-written activities, such as journal entries to study experts’ advice. This was heavily tested when I worked on the novel in which my little-known insecurities, self-loathing, and issues towards personal sexual awareness became apparent.

While learning how to self-edit the book, many experts, especially professional editors, mentioned authenticity and vulnerability as essential components when ensuring this process could work.

It means if I, as an author, was not prepared or willing to be honest about writing the stories, scenes, and beats, the entire editing process won’t work. In other words, I needed to be vulnerable holistically until I finished.

Subconsciously, the entire self-publishing journey became a healing process for me as I became more self-accepting and self-forgiving. As a result, I understood my role as a writer better and more clearly.

Photo by Frugal Flyer on Unsplash

What’s in store for you in 2023?

In the last couple of weeks, I have been working on a few personal projects that will help many writers who aspire to learn more about their writing craft and succeed as future authors.

Firstly, this involves creating a digital library, which will serve as an archival unit to house all articles, books, presentations, white papers, etc.

Secondly, you will learn more about my upcoming projects, like free online events, webinars, workshops, book launches, and releases.

If you are interested in these events, please bear with me as I tell you their backstories. I believe this approach will help you better understand the value of what you’re getting from these bonuses I rarely give.

So, I encourage you to stay with me. The links are available towards the end of this email.

1. Establishing a digital archive library

Shortly after creating the website, I built my first digital library in 2018. At that time, I needed guidance about what I was doing, although I had spent hundreds of hours building it. On top of that, I wasn’t as honest as I should have been despite knowing the reason for growing my email subscribers.

Back then, I only saw writing as a business rather than an avenue to connect with others. To keep up with the facade of a businesswoman, I was only chasing the income it promised without considering the value I was trying to provide for them.

As a result, I was lost and broken. It was in April 2021 when it happened, and this was one of a few brutal realities I had to face and endure.

It’s been seven years. It’s been seven years of neglecting my creative side for the sake of writing for others and perfecting content writing in the way I see right, which is, in most cases, the best solution to increase my funds in my bank account.

It’s been almost a decade of refusal to tap into the neglected side of me, which brought grievous consequences in the end. While I strive to leave a positive lasting impression on others, regardless if one is a client or not, my sorrow also deepens as my funds increase.

Over the years, I have been asking myself why. Why am I doing this? Why did I end up losing myself as I write a piece of content, although it’s something I wanted to do in the first place? Why do I feel disheartened and confused whenever I write, though my heart is into writing, to begin with? What happened? What’s going on?

(Excerpt from “Writing is Dancing the Tango,” published on April 17, 2021)

This is why I wanted to revisit my old frustration as part of my self-imposed trauma exposure therapy. This is the best way to overcome my childhood trauma associated with its early beginnings and resulting failures.

When I created my early versions of the files, I was battling with issues regarding perfectionism, extreme anxiety, and self-hatred. These were those concerns rooted in childhood that I needed to fix within myself as an adult.

While I am doing this, it would be better if you would join me and become part of this journey. If you sign up today, you will receive fresh updates about the library, including future available titles and free access during its soft publication. The schedule will be announced soon.

Become a library patron now for FREE access!

2. Upcoming author events

Aside from creating the digital archive, I have been working on a handful of projects, which included online events, such as webinars, workshops, and book launches. Some of them were created years ago. However, I wasn’t mentally ready to release them.

For 2023, I thought of having you see them and determine their value as a better choice. As the content creator behind these, I hope these will supplement your learning material in your writing career as much as they did with mine.

Before 2022 ends, I have already organized a few for you for this coming year, 2023.

  1. “Dr. Clay (Cult of Eros #1)” soft release on Wattpad: Click here to view the book.
  2. Plotter Review 2023 Webinar (Free Online Event): Click here to view available schedules.
  3. “Non-Native Speakers Only” Nonfiction book launch: Click here to learn more about this book.
  4. “Essentialism in Self-Publishing” book launch: Click here to learn more about this book. (*affiliate link)

Final thoughts

Although 2022 has offered me a handful of challenging moments, getting out of my “dark bubble” was the most significant achievement. It was momentous when I self-published my first book for the first time, allowing me to face my fifteen-year-old self without regrets. I became the author I originally had envisioned becoming.

Furthermore, writing has saved me once again, providing me with unprecedented opportunities to deepen my relationship with myself and overcome the detrimental effects of childhood trauma. Without it, I wouldn’t know how it would have been for me.

All these considered, it’s time for me to share these experiences and the knowledge I have acquired as a digital writer. Regardless of what writing you want to pursue, whether freelance writing or self-publishing, I want to help you achieve this dream with clarity.

Through the materials I share on the digital library, you will save a lot of time and money to learn the foundation every writer should learn and master.

Through the materials I share on the digital library, you will save a lot of time and money to learn the foundation every writer should learn and master. You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars and thousands of hours as I did in the past.

As much as I wanted to ask a lot for this, for me, what matters most is you’re able to build a successful and meaningful writing career. Whatever pathway you choose, from blogging to building a writing business, it doesn’t matter as long as you have the commitment and drive to make it work for you.

If you think were’s on the same page, I highly encourage you to sign up and become a library patron today for FREE. Click the button below to register and reserve a spot today.

Get free library access here.

Support my work!

  1. Get a copy of “The Rival” Uncensored Gay Romance Novel.
  2. Find more writing tips on my website (i.e., content writing, freelance writing, copywriting, self-publishing, novel writing, and many more!)
  3. Become a Substack subscriber to keep up with my latest updates and future author releases.



Mecyll Gaspary
Mecyll Gaspary

Written by Mecyll Gaspary

Filipino self-published author of fiction & nonfiction books. Learn more: https://mgaspary.com

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